Leadership Lesson Plans Toolbox

Lessons for Students

Additional Ideas
  • Would you Rather?  Pose questions and have the kids answer, type in the chat box and they share out why they picked the one they did. Example questions: would you rather be deaf or blind? Give up your favorite food for a year or candy forever? Ask officers to make up some based on their perspective.
  • Committee Bitmoji group pictures. Each committee creates a google slide with the background being about their committee and each member must be present as a Bitmoji in the picture.
Lessons for Advisors
  • Leadership Resources for Teachers
  • The Burnout Cure
    • Lesson #1 - No complaining Challenge - This is going to be difficult as we grow through the new challenges that are ahead of us this year. But we know that the pain will result in personal growth. Remember "the loudest boos come from the cheap seats.
    • Lesson #2 - Add a "Peak -End Ritual" to your Day - Do personal reflection at the end of your day to find the greatness in your life. Take this time to do personal  "mental grazing".
    • Lesson #3 - Jar of  Goodness - Have a heart of grace. You will be the sunshine in someone's life. Give yourself grace and gratitude. People change not because of desperation, but inspiration.
    • Lesson #4 - Reminisce About Your Reason for Becoming a Teacher - This is your "WHY" (Simon Sinek). If you can define your why, you can 1. Disarm your Critics 2. Educate your bystanders 3. Empower your advocates (Craig Groeschel).
    • Lesson #5 - Celebrate With Others - FASC wants to celebrate with you - share your stories with us. We will publish them and get them to others.
Submit Your Ideas

Submit your lesson plans and ideas to Dr. Mel Sohn, FASC Executive Director at sohnm@highlands.k12.fl.us