Membership Information
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FASA Individual Member
Open to principals*, assistant principals, superintendents and other district office school administrators. Includes public virtual and charter school types. Individual member receives all FASA benefits. Payroll deduction for dues is available in most districts and you must enroll through your payroll department. Membership is owned by the individual and is not transferable. Annual membership is $258 and is prorated on a monthly basis from October through July. Administrators joining in August - October will receive those months free when they pay the full $258.
*Due to a joint membership agreement, public elementary and secondary principals joining FASA must also join NAESP or NASSP.
FASA Institutional Member
Open to principals*, assistant principals, superintendents and other district office school administrators. Includes public virtual and charter school types. Institutional member receives all FASA benefits. Membership is owned by the school r district paying and is transferable should the administrator change roles. Annual membership is $258 and is prorated on a monthly basis from October through July. Administrators joining in August - October will receive those months free when they pay the full $258.
*Due to a joint membership agreement, public elementary and secondary principals joining FASA must also join NAESP or NASSP.
Retired Member
Retired Full Service Member: Open to previous active members who have retired and no longer hold an administrative position. Basic member receives all benefits except legal defense and board privileges. Full service member receives all benefits except legal defense. Membership is $258 for the year.
Retired Basic Member: A retiring member who desires to remain active in the Association may do so by remaining an individual member at the individual membership rate and shall have all rights afforded an individual member. A retired administrator may pay a reduced retiree rate as established by the Board of Directors and have all rights of an individual member except holding office or legal defense. Membership is $100 for the year.
FASA Associate Member
Open to individuals not eligible for individual membership may qualify for associate membership, which includes the benefits of individual membership except the right to vote, legal defense assistance, and hold office. Membership is $100 for the year.
Aspiring Administrator/Grad Students
Open to aspiring administrators, teachers, professors, private school administrators and those not currently employed as an administrator. Member receives all benefits except legal defense, voting and board privileges. Membership is $100 for the year.
Grad Student: Open to those not currently employed as an administrator and registered as a graduate level student. Member receives all benefits except legal defense, voting and board privileges. Membership is $50 for the year.
FASA University/College Member
Open to persons employed by colleges and universities and non-public schools performing responsibilities in school administration are eligible for membership in FASA in accordance with guidelines established by the Board of Directors which includes the benefits of individual membership except legal defense assistance. Membership is $100 for the year.
Private Member
Open to private school administrators not currently employed in a public school/school district. Member receives all benefits except legal defense, voting and board privileges. Membership is $100 for the year.
Publications Member
Open to principals, assistant principals, superintendents and other district office school administrators. Includes public virtual and charter school types. Publications members only receive FASA electronic publications like the FASA Friday Facts, News Tracker, and the Florida Education Calendar. Payroll deduction is not available for this membership category. Membership is owned by the individual and is not transferable. Membership is $119 for the year.
Business Alliance Member
FASA’s Business Alliance Program is designed to align administrators around the state with quality and innovative products and services in all realms of the education field. We offer strategic and cost effective tools to provide exposure for your company as well as serve as an agent for your targets to locate your information concisely. The Business Alliance Membership is $500 and is a great way to get involved with FASA! Many benefits await you:
- Feature your company logo on FASA’s home page with a direct link to your company website
- Opportunity to insert materials in attendee bags at the FASA Discover Conference (Summer)
- Exclusive invitations and verbal recognition at sponsored conferences
- Conference attendee registration lists (pre- and post-event, including “opt-in” email addresses)
- Receive FASA membership publications, such as
- Newstracker
- Education Calendar
- Friday Facts
- Recognition in program at sponsored events
- Many sponsorship opportunities available exclusively to BAM Members
For more sponsorship information, please contact David B. Higgins, CAE at (850) 224-3626.