Member Since: 2024

Organization Overview
At KneoWorld, we carefully craft and select our curriculum’s materials. Our selection process is based on research-based best practices and our materials intentionally reflect:
• Affirmations of cultures, communities, and student identities
• Student resiliency and well-being
• Relationships with students and families
• Project-based learning
• Challenge-based learning
• Opportunities for student-led civic engagement and leadership
• Resources developed by racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives
• Instructional strategies that adapt to the individual needs of students
KneoWorld believes assessment in a curriculum should be an ongoing process of gathering information about a child’s learning. Children should have the opportunity to use different ways to show what they know and can do with their knowledge and skills. Educators can then use this information to make instructional decisions (the teaching approaches, materials, and supports) about their children’s learning needs. As a result, our curriculum provides multiple approaches to assessment to support the teaching and learning cycle:
• Interim Assessments
• Pre/Post Assessments
• Learner and teacher check for understanding prompts for discourse
• Online task-based games (with individual learner reports)
• Connect activities designed to promote metacognitive reflection

Louis Diggs
Senior Sales Director
Hope Hou
James Kellett