Florida Esports League

Click here to visit the official home of Florida high school esports. View season info, titles, league standings, statistics, and past champions; schedule a consultation or sign up to get started.

Schedule a Consultation With PlayVS 

Esports is a High School Sport in Florida

The FASA has partnered with PlayVS to bring esports to high schools throughout Florida. Esports, or competitive gaming, is the fastest-growing high school sport in the country and, much like traditional sports, requires teamwork, critical thinking and communication to achieve success. However, esports goes ever further to create a barrier-breaking, all-inclusive environment with a strong sense of community. All games are selected based on their competitiveness and strategy, and are rated E for Everyone.

High School and Beyond

Esports opens up a world of possibilities for students. Besides a truly enriching competitive experience, PlayVS provides support for higher education by rewarding championship winners, as well as All-State and All-American, with scholarship money. PlayVS also helps set students up for success should they aspire to continue with esports post-graduation, including playing at the collegiate level, coaching and more.

Complete Esports Solution

All esports teams are coach-led to provide a similar structure to any traditional high school sport. PlayVS helps support both coaches and schools by providing resources, training materials, webinars, workshops and a thriving coach community to take the guesswork out of starting and running a program. And the PlayVS platform makes match day a breeze with seamless publisher integrations, scheduling, robust statistics and live support.

Bring Esports to Your School

Ready to engage with your students’ passions? Click here to visit the official home of Florida high school esports to get started.

About PlayVS

PlayVS is the premier high school esports provider, in partnership with the NFHS and 23 state associations. Its product is the single destination where players come together to compete, fans gather to spectate and coaches manage their programs. Through partnerships with top game publishers, PlayVS powers inclusive league and State Championship play across the nation. For company background, visual assets and more, please visit our media kit.

“Esports gives us the ability to support the needs and wants of an exponentially growing population of students who are interested in the growing world of competitive video games, all while instilling in them the same exact characteristics that we would want them to gain through traditional sporting activities,” said Coach Perry, Maclay High School. “Our program has grown steadily since its inception three years ago, and has meant a world of difference to the students who have participated in it. And at the end of the day, that is what education and student athletics is all about, making a positive difference in their lives.”

“Esports is an extracurricular activity that can open the door to dozens of college and career opportunities for students,” said Michele White, FASA Executive Director. “By fostering healthy relationships with gaming in a supervised environment, we’re setting up students for success in their high school years and beyond and helping kids find another group of like-minded peers to connect with. The Florida Association of School Administrators is excited to partner with PlayVS to bring esports to the high schools across the state.”

Key Fall 2023 Dates 

Registration/Enrollment Deadline: 9/22/23

Preseason: 9/11/23

Regular season start: 9/25/23

Playoffs: 11/27/23

Fall Championships: 12/11/23

Fall 2023 Schedule

Championship Information

Game Titles and Rules

League of Legends

Rocket League

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Mario Kart 8

PlayVS Resources

PlayVS Super Coaches Directory

PlayVS Help Center